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Nobody can deny the fact that women shop much more than men, consequently, they spend more money on clothes, shoes and what not. Lately, a great number of women are fond of outdoor sports, and much of women's finances are directed onto different equipment, etc. connected with their outdoor hobbies. snapback hats wholesale , Nowadays, there's an increasing tendency of the popularity of outdoor activities. This was certainly noticed by many outdoor product manufacturers who started producing products specifically for women labeling them as women -specific. To such products backpacking backpacks belong as well. So, let's find out whether there is some considerable difference between men's and women's backpacks, or most of such manufacturers just wish to attract more women to buying women-specific products.
It can be presupposed that in order to get a convenient backpack a woman can simply purchase a smaller-sized backpack. But it would be a wrong way as women's bodies differ from men's, not only in size, but in proportions and shape as well. So, it's important to discuss several factors that determine the design of women's backpacks.
Generally speaking, women have shorter torsos than men, so, women need a smaller- sized frame of the backpack. The suspension of the women's backpack should be adjustable in such a way to make it possible for the weight of the pack to ride in a proper manner, so the distance from the hip belt to the arch of the shoulder should be appropriate. In order to define what frame size you need, just take measurements from the base of the neck to the top of the hipbones.
Women's figure has certain curves in comparison with the men's figure that is straighter. lacoste hats , Women's wider hips offer a good shelf for the hip belt. Besides, a woman's body is getting narrower to the waist, so an angled hip belt should follow those curves offering more secure contact to transfer major pack weight to the women's hips.
As for the women's shoulders they are much narrower than men's. So, for a woman the shoulder straps of a man's backpack are set too wide despite the size of the frame. Here most of women will face the problem of the sliding straps off the shoulders and their falling down to the arms. So, a woman's backpack should have the shoulder straps located closer to each other. However, here another problem appears - women's breasts - that are not generally a problem at all. There's a way out though - shoulder straps should be curved in such a way not to touch the bust but to be still located on the shoulders. ymcmb cap ,
Most of women use backpacks while hiking. Their major purpose is to get as much satisfaction as possible, but this greatly depends on the hiker's comfort during the trip that can be determined by the backpack fit. armani caps , obey hats , Backpack fit is extremely important for women, because they have to carry the same weight as men but taking into account their smaller size and weight, they actually carry a larger percentage of their body weight than men do. levi hats , So, it's significant to choose the necessary backpack fit.
As you can see, there're significant differences between men's and women's backpacks. Nevertheless, all the higher mentioned aspects of women's backpacks are very relative, because all people have different shapes and figures. For instance, a man can have more womanlike curves than some women do.

