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What is a Hijab? This will be a strange question if one is not a Muslim. jerseys nba , Hijab is the modest dress for Muslim women, which most Islamic legal systems define as covering everything except the face and hands in public. There is always a misconception among people that the Muslim women are forced to wear Hijab. This thought about Hijabs is absolutely wrong. To make you understand the fact, I have explained the real meaning of Hijabs here. basketball jerseys , Just keep reading on to discover the truth.

For a better understanding, the word “HIJAB” can be explained letter by letter. jerseys basketball , To start with, the word ‘H’ stands for headscarf. Most people out there think that having a face veil is mandatory for proper Hijab. The truth is that, for a Muslim woman to follow proper Hijab, it’s enough to cover her hair, neck, and bosom. Covering the face is not mandatory and in fact, there are absolutely no evidences to suggest that Muslim women are to cover their faces.

The second letter ‘I, goes for intentions. oakley sunglasses , sunglasses for sale , What do you think is the reason behind Muslim women wearing a Hijab? Compulsion? No, the absolute reason for this is their belief in GOD. They believe that God (Allah in Arabic) tells them to follow the principles of clothing. nba jerseys , When wearing Hijab, it literally means that we are pleasing God (hopefully) and we are guarding our modesty, and we are respecting ourselves and our communities by not showing off body parts that nobody should see unless that person is our husband or very close relative. .

