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A new collective bargaining agreement is currently under process for the NBA, apparently paving the way for more drug tests, including the possibility of blood testing for human growth hormone.
The players have expressed their agreement to undergo more drug testing in the form of screening for performance-enhancing drugs during the off-season.
Billy Hunter, executive director of the players' union, released a memo on Wednesday to the players, with details of drug-testing requirements for performance-enhancers, along with other amendments to the new labor deal. all nba jerseys , oakley sunglasses discount , team jerseys basketball , The memo also contained recommendations to ratify the agreement.
The provision for testing for human growth hormones were not as clear, with the memo indicating that the joint committee of the NBA and NBPA will take the possibility of such a testing program into study. oakley sunglasses cheap ,
Mike Bass, spokesman to the NBA, revealed that both sides expressed their interest and approval of blood testing for HGH, although the process has yet to be validated by a committee of neutral experts. baseball caps wholesale , cheap basketball jerseys , Once the league and the players are in agreement regarding the reliability of the HGH test, it could very well be implemented immediately.

