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For decades, both amateur and professional athletes have used thyroid hormone to lose weight. Since the thyroid hormone can cause combustion of fats and carbohydrates, many individuals have utlised this ability to lose weight and to perform better at sports. prada sunglasses for women , Cytomel has been used by individuals in every type of sport. The thyroid hormone is taken orally for 4-6 weeks and then stopped just a week prior to the event. There is no doubt that Cytomel is a very effective fat burner and enhances exercise performance. Many athletes report that short duration usage of Cytomel can result in loss of weight and increased energy. prada glasses for men , designer sunglasses on sale ,
While this may be true, the issue becomes very complex because most of these athletes also take a wide variety of other supplements and hormones to lose weight.
Thyroid hormones are naturally synthesized in our body, but since the molecules are not complex, many pharmaceutical companies make the synthetic variety of the hormones. There are two basic types of thyroid hormones - T4 known as levothyroxine and T3 known as liothyronine. Both are manufactured and stored in the thyroid gland.
Thyroid hormone from the pharmaceutical companies are obtained in 2 ways - either derived from animal thyroid gland (bovine or ovine sources) or made synthetic. In the USA, the content and quantity of iodine in the thyroid preparation is well regulated.

