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This is one of those debates that could go on for all eternity, and I have seen very good arguments for other running backs. venta de camisetas , Our society is so fast paced, and we easily forget good movies, good food, good friends, and superior sports legends. Before I get into this, my opinion will not be based on sheer numbers, even though I could probably use that argument and still make my case. Numbers alone don’t tell the whole story, as I will try to demonstrate. When the Bears drafted Payton # 4 in the 1975 draft, they were a terrible, terrible football team. Their team had zero offensive weapons to speak of, and even the defense was considered mediocre. Camiseta URUGUAY , Bob Avellini was their QB. Who? My point exactly. Payton proceeded to rush for 0 yards on 8 carries in his first NFL game. He finished his rookie season with 679 yards, and the bears finished the season 4-10. the very next season, Payton exploded into stardom with 1390 yards, with 13 tds, and a 4. 5 ypc. Even with those statistics, the bears still finished 7-7, netting them a 2nd place finish behind the 11-2-1 vikings. Keep in mind that defenses KNEW he was the Bears only offensive threat, and he still got those numbers. Camiseta AC Milán , Their WR’s were below average, the o-line could not pass block, and they had no tight end to speak of. The whole offense was payton sweep left, payton sweep right, draw play payton, etc. the very next season was arguably Payton’s best, with 1852 yards, 5. 5 ypc. This was in 14 games. This was the first year that I actually watched him play, and I saw every game, every carry of that season. The Bears squeaked their way into the playoffs with a 9-5 record, with primarily the same team as they had when Payton was drafted. Offensively it was still Payton, Payton, and more Payton, yet teams still couldn’t stop him. This season was even more amazing when it’s noted that the bears final game of this season was played against the NY giants, on basically a sheet of Ice. Frozen rain pretty much stopped any hopes of walter breaking the 2000 yard mark, though I’m not sure how many yards he gained that game. The Bears did win the game 12-9 in overtime, but lost to the eventually super bowl champion Dallas Cowboys in their wild card game. Payton was named NFL MVP that season, and he proceeded to rip off 4 more seasons of 1,000 yard or more, until the strike shortened 1982. 4 more consecutive seasons of 1,000 yards should be able to make my point, but that’s not the whole story.

