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Direct democracy is the rule of the people. Representative democracy is the rule of dictators. Either the people decide or?a handful of?individuals, led by an absolute authoritarian ruler decide for the bulk of the people, be it thousands ( Sultanates, Emirates, princedoms, monarchies) or over a billion ( India, China). All societies in between follow suit. In the so called democracies a la West, you have the same phenomenon of the one man rule where one individual person decide everything for his society. From the USA to all European countries you have one individual dictating his will to tens even hundreds of millions of citizens. In other world societies although claiming democratic rule they gucci sunglasses for men cheap are absolute?authoritarian and dictaorships?(China, African states, Middle East Arab states, Iran, Central America and South America).
It is the constitutions of these so called democractic countries that give all power to one individual. Whether the constitution of the United States or any constitution of any state in the European Union, the constitution grants absolute powers to the ruler. The leader or head of the state is the head of the society, the chief of the executive power, the commander in chief of the armed forces, the highest reference in the Justice domain, the head of all security services, whether secret or open.
He or she has the power to decide the politics of his country, to decide internal politics as well as external policies. He decides for his people their economy, he decides for the people their social status by planning the social policies for his society. He decides who is to be poor and who is to be rich, who is to remain poor and who is to remain rich. On him depends all decisions of the state.
He has the support of the people, after all he was cheap designer sunglasses online elected by the people. The people gave him or her the right and responsibility to decide and to shape up the state policies and society as he likes. He can declare war and send thousands ( Trueman, Bush father and son, Obama) and the European leaders are in the same place of responsibility as legitimate gucci sunglasses on sale right given by the people themselves, to their death. He can destroy other states, and massacre their citizens ( Iraq, Afghanistan).

